43rd Congress
of the European Society
of Surgical Oncology
2 – 4 OCTOBER 2024
Surgical Oncology Tomorrow: Innovation & Education

43rd Congress
of the European Society
of Surgical Oncology
2 – 4 OCTOBER 2024
Surgical Oncology Tomorrow: Innovation & Education
Call for abstracts
Presentation types
Oral Presentation
Abstract is selected for oral presentation in the scientific programme.
Poster Presentation
Abstract will be displayed as a poster on the electronic screens at the venue and will be accessible throughout the whole duration of the congress.
Poster in Spotlight
Abstract will be displayed as a poster on the electronic screens + presented as a short oral presentation in the Posters in Spotlight Session.
Surgical Trial in Progress
Abstracts in all phases of clinical research, ongoing trials that have not reached protocol-specified endpoints for analysis at the time of ESSO 43.
The abstract should include:
- Background
- Methods
- Current status (number of patients already included, target date for analysis and presentation)
Surgical Trial Proposal
Abstracts for ideas or proposals in the advanced stage of development, but not yet open for recruiting patients at the time of ESSO 43.
3 protocol concepts will be selected for presentation in the transversal session: “Clinical Research in Surgical Oncology” [Dragon’s Den] supported by the Anticancer Fund (ACF). The selected authors will have the opportunity to pitch their surgical trial proposal to a panel of experts. The best proposal will be rewarded with a prize of 500 EUR to further develop their protocol. The Anticancer Fund will also support trial presenters’ expenses as per ESSO conditions. Please note that only new research projects will be considered. On-going research will not be considered.
The abstract should include
• Background (main research question, objectives, preliminary data, potential clinical impact)
• Methods (primary and secondary endpoint, study design, analysis plan, sample size, patient population and duration of the study)
• Feasibility (source of funding, target countries)
Abstract Policies & Regulations
With the submission of an abstract to ESSO 43 Congress, the presenting author:
- Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
- Accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence regarding the abstract and informs co-authors of its status.
- Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
- Warrants that the data and conclusions presented in the abstract have not been published in the same format and with the same title prior to the date of the ESSO 43 congress.
- States that for all studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and informed consent given where appropriate.
- Identifies, obtains and discloses any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract for all abstract authors. This includes stock ownership, membership on an advisory board or board of directors, corporate-sponsored research, and other substantive relationships.
- Releases the copyright on behalf of all authors to ESSO and gives permission for the abstract, when selected for presentation, to be published in an issue of EJSO- the European Journal of Surgical Oncology, as well as on the ESSO 43 website. The copyright of the abstract remains with the author(s).
- Commits to register and attend ESSO 43 if the abstract is selected*. Costs associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract are the responsibility of the presenter. Selected abstracts will only be published in EJSO if the presenting author is registered and attend the Congress in person.
* In case the presenting author is not able or available to present the accepted abstract, a co-author must be appointed to present the abstract and must be registered, please inform the ESSO Secretariat at about this change.